The former
Kronland Duchies of Abnaile, Garda, Barill, and Norland are members of the
Republic, as are the Free City of Abinger and the Ji Hassan domain of Seik Al
Jamash. The Republic combines the holdover feudal system of the Duchies with
the Republican Council a representative government.
Religion in
the Republic is primarily Caldensian, though only loosely tied to the High
Empire. In the early history of the Republic, the Orthodox city of Lantilo
fought a war against Eye and tension remains between the two realms. Since then,
the Bishop of Eye appoints his successor and remains loyal to the Republic. The
Archbishop of Lantilo is the bishop's superior technically, but the High Emperor
made a compromise to the succession issue agreeing to this division in exchange
for giving the Lantilo seat a token church in the City of Eye. Other faiths
have also found a home in this realm sheltered from the more orthodox
Caldensian institutions. The Dwarves of the Empire have found safety in Eye.
The Nomey or Dwarves Ghetto boast the only monument dedicated to the Fall of
Azinnzahar. With the Dwarves have come the Balagoth or Boggs. These tribal
gypsies have continued to resist the pressures to convert holding fast to their
strange worship of spirits. Llynerians from the north and Ji Hassa from the
south have also continued their practices within the Republic's borders. Even
followers of the lost religion of the ancient Allemanni are known to continue
their practices. The Republic proscribes only the Dark Faiths, Blood, and Death
Cults under penalty of banishment or even death.
Beginning as
an alliance between the City of Eye and some of the nearby estates, including
Garda and Abnaile, the Republic was founded by Sedswick II, Duke of Garda in
56AF. Garda had tried establishing a Kingdom but the other nobles had fiercely
opposed this move. The Republic allowed them to unite but also gave voice to
their concerns in the Republican Assembly. Twenty years later the Council of
Five, later renamed the Star Council, was created by Randal Parsia to
facilitate rule. Parsia is known as First Councilor, he drew up the documents,
the Scrolls of Parsia, which created the present institutions of state. It
should be noted that Parsia also was one of the early founders of the
University when he united the different schools, both clerical and secular.
Around 85 AF,
the Caldensian Church and the High Emperor Forsyeth "Hawkswing” was
fiercely persecuting users of magic now proscribed by the Church, which is all
magic that is not a part of Church teachings. This purge is known as the First
Wizards War and devastated what little knowledge from the Allemanni Empire had
survived the Dark Ages that followed its collapse. Sedswick II quickly took
advantage of this schism in the Allemanni culture and offered haven to the
fleeing mages and scholars. Few responded, but those who did quickly turned Eye
into a center of education and scholarship. While still semi-proscribed by the
Eyen Church, magic is tolerated as long as it is not too publicly displayed.
Too many memories of Hawkswing’s purges linger. It was not long after this
embracing of the mages that the Council of Five was founded. Also since its
founding their have been always two or three members who guard the University's
and with it the mages' interest.
The next
period of change in the young Republic was the expansion Eastward into the
Duchy of Barill and the lost Duchy of Norland. Little was left of Norland, even
though the Arissians had long since left. To repopulate the region and provide
a buffer from any further eastern threats it was decided to encourage
settlement from the Llynerian Kingdoms. Llynerian mercenaries had long fought
for Garda and Kronland before that, this time they would be granted land. This
did the trick; thousands came, especially from the southern lands below
Breifne, an area under growing pressure from the High Empire.
The Count of
Abinger a noble raised from the local clans who rule the region now rules the
region of Norland.
The Second
Wizards War begins 230 AF, after the City of Lantilo reacted to a rash of
piracy from ships that received haven in Eye. The Caldensian troops marched
south into the Kingdom of Hammoth, which was an ally of Eye at that time. The
Hammorans were no match for the invaders who marched all the way into Abnaile
before they were stopped. Lantilo claimed that they were forced to battle evil
wizardry and hence their defeat, though no obvert instances of magic use are
recorded. This war was very draining of both sides lasting for twelve years.
Hammoth was the major battlefield and has a bad impression of both city-states.
The republic
has expanded on the seas as well as on land. Their ships plow the waves from
the old Allemanni lands of Tyrolach to the Jewel Cities. Their ships also
harbor throughout the High Empire and up and down the Ceoltric Sea to the
north. Mercantilism is the main power in the Republic. Families rise and fall
and the new nobility comes from the top ranks. Titles and palaces are the goal
of many of the merchants. However, money is still a driving factor, and their
industriousness is often as seen as dour by their contemporaries in older
imperial cities now held by the High Empire.
A recent
series of raids from the east has sparked fears of a new Arissian Invasion. However,
the caravan routes to Keleft and Quäsara on the East Road are still open. Other
growing fears are of barbarian incursions from the Quid red Wilderlands into
the Eyen Heartland. Attacks on outlying settlements are growing more frequent
and they are becoming more organized as well.
A more
troubling spot is the Civil War going on in the Kingdom of Hammoth. The
Conflict between the King in Calumet and the Duke of Camtry has brought the
Cities of Eye and Lantilo back into conflict. Calumet has the Archbishop's
support and has allowed a large force of Knights form the order Sword of God to
establish several bases. These operate against the backers of Camtry, many who
are peasant followers of the heresy Blackstonism. It looks like the Republic
will again be at war.
Elvin Realm of Galdor |
(Age of the Stars) |
found Azzinzabar |
Age of the Sun |
The First
Dominion |
Age of Legends |
The Great
War |
“ |
The Act of
Desecration and the Earth Breaking |
Age of Iron |
Allemanni Conquest of the Outlands Begins |
20 NA (New Age) |
Founded seat at Tilon |
55 NA |
Kronland Founded |
490 NA |
Divided into East, West, & South |
664 NA |
Empire of
the East Collapses |
700 NA |
Tilon and
Kronland War |
820 NA |
Uprising |
950 NA |
Invasion |
1400 NA |
Stone of
Krön Falls |
1411 NA |
Ji Hassan
Raids and Invasion |
1489 NA |
High Empire
Founded |
1 AF (1492 NA) |
1 AF |
comes to the Outlands |
14 AF |
founded |
16 AF |
Republic of
Eye Founded |
56 AF |
Wizard's War, the Purges |
82-89 AF |
Battle of
the Rein |
89 AF |
Battle of
Qwen Road |
96 AF |
Republic of
Eye settles Abinger |
176 AF |
Wizards War |
230 AF |
Rebellion |
303 AF |
Uprising |
306 AF |
The Great Seal
of the Republic is made up of a triangle divided into three parts the left side
is the Scroll of Parsia the Founding Document of the Republic, on the right is
the Sword of the Nobility, and in the bottom section the Flame of the Church is
the foundation for all. The government of the Republic of Eye is the government
of the City. The REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY and the STAR COUNCIL are the two governing
bodies. While the Assembly makes the laws, the Star Council is the ruling body.
ASSEMBLY is composed of 200 members and meets several times a year in the
ASSEMBLY HALL, their sessions often going on for weeks. Additionally either the
Council or the Duke can call the Assembly to meeting, though the later rarely
does this. Members come from the many social levels throughout the Republic,
thought the majority represent interest from the City. All of the major noble
families, including the counts and dukes of the realm, the big six trading
houses, all the guilds, the church leadership and the University's officers are
all members, as are the Ministers. The Assembly is responsible for making the
laws and big decisions such as going to war. They also elect the Star Council,
though this is usually just an affirmation of the leaving Councilor's choice.
There are offices in the front of the Assembly Hall for the ASSEMBLY ADVOCATES,
agents who pursue the Assembly's business when it is out of session and take
petitions from the general public.
COUNCIL is a much more powerful and shadowy group the hold office for seven
years at a time and can be reelected. The five members rule by committee, yet
each is individually responsible for overseeing various ministries in the
government. They also represent the five city districts. Their meeting chamber
sits in the upper stories of the PALACE OF THE COUNCIL with their offices on
the same floor. Below them are the office of the individual ministers and the
various ministry offices. The five councilors are the most powerful and feared
men in the Republic. Jockeying for power is their primary occupation relying on
their ministers for the daily running of both City and Republic. Each
Councilman has quarters and a staff in a wing of the Palace but most also has a
palace in the city as well.
STATE are the ten men who keep things running. Each is answerable to one
councilor, the pairing changing with each new council. The ten offices include
The Minister
of the ADMIRALTY oversees the Republic's Navy, the Coastal Guard, and the Ship
Works Factory. He also has discretion over the mercantile fleet if needs be.
Beneath the Admiral are the Lieutenant Admiral and then the Ship's Captains.
The Minster of
the CHANTRY is responsible for the daily running of government. This office
oversees the City Seal, the legion of clerks, and the library of records. The
Chantry's officials are the Lord of the Seal, Keeper of the Records, and the
many Chancery Clerks,
The Minister
of the COMMUNE is in charge of the daily order of the City of Eye. All permits
to buy, sell, or store must run their agents. The Civil Guard known as
BLACKSTICKS, are under Commune's authority. The Commune's agents are known as
Commissars, Commissar Clerks, Captain of the Guard, and Guardsmen or
Blacksticks. The Commissars are able to dispense minor justice such as fines
and beatings on their own but offenses that are more serious are turned over to
the Ministry of Justice.
Ministry is concerned with that beyond the Commune's authority. While the
Nobility and the other Freetowns enjoy allot of autonomy, Estates has district
agents which enforce the Republic's Laws something like the Sheriff's found in
parts of the Empire. The Estates officials are the Constable Agents and beneath
them the Estates Bailiff.
oversees the money, taxes, tolls, and the Mint. They also enforce the codes on
notes issued by any of the Trading Houses. Beneath the Minister are the
Collector General, then the various Toll/ Tax Collectors, and the Exchequer
The Ministry
of HARBORS is in charge of the running and upkeep of the Harbors. They keep
records of the shipping logs, Duties and Bonding Fees. The Harbor Collectors
and Agents operate in all the Harbors in the city. They also pursue the rampant
The Minster of
JUSTICE watches over the courts of the land. Justice is responsible for the
Magistrates or judges in both the City and in the courts run by the Constable
Agents in the various constabularies. The Justice Ministry is also in charge of
the Commissar of the Gaol, the Commissar Inquisitor and the executioners.
is the land forces of the Republic. Lord Marshal of Eye oversees the Republican
Guard and their integration with the Nobility's resources. The Marshal is
almost always from the upper aristocracy of the region, usually Garda or
The Minster of
STATE AFFAIRS watches over the Eyen Embassies abroad and the foreign ones in
the City. State Agents are answerable to Lord Ambassador as are all the other
Ambassadors. This is the weakest of all the Ministries even though its agents
are the official spies for the Republic. The Five Councilors each have their
own spy networks, which they use at home and abroad.
The Economy of
the City is much more varied and dependent on the sea. It has two shipyards,
one overseen by the state. The harbors of the City are home to one of the
busiest trading fleets in the world. Craftsmen work in glass, gem cutting, and
goldsmithing. These occupations are popular with the large Dwarven population
as is the Weapon and Armor industry. Eyen arms are known world wide for their
quality. Ornate suits of armor are especially made for the nobility in the old
cities of the High Empire.
Cento d' Auro |
(Au) |
8 Eyen d' Auro (400 sp) |
Eyen seal w/10, Karune Ship |
Eyen d' Auro |
(Au) |
50 Ducat (50
sp) |
seal/ Karune Ship |
10 Ducat d' Auro |
(Au) |
10 Ducat (20
bust+ name, Eyen Seal |
2 Ducat |
(Ag) |
4 sp |
bust+ name, Eyen seal |
1 Ducat |
(Ag) |
2 sp |
Bust+name, Karune |
1/2 Ducat |
(Ag) |
1 sp |
bust+ name, Karune |
1/3 Ducat |
(Ag) |
2/3 sp |
bust+ name, Eyen seal |
10 Ducalino/ Pense |
(Cu) |
½ sp, 5 bp,
50 cp |
Seal, Ferro boat |
1 Ducalino/ Farthing |
(Cu) |
1 cp |
Seal, Seahorse |
Death is
usually by hanging for commoners, and nobles stripped of rank. Nobles are
executed by beheading. Imprisonment can be either in the Gaol or aboard a
galley as a slave.
All of these
crimes are felonies. They are the same for commoner and noble alike. They must
be tried before a member of the Star Council.
Taking up arms against the government or agents of the government.
Penalties: loss of property and title, banishment, or death.
Obstructing, disputing, or conspiring against the government, also sabotage of government property, etc.
loss of property and title, banishment, or death.
Applies to all persons who act in a covert manner to obtain
secrets of the Republic. Usually used against foreign agents while locals are
tried under the Treason laws. Penalties: loss of property, banishment, or
death. The accused may be ransomed or swapped.
concerning the abuse of some kind of privilege, obligation, or right. Usually
as regards to crimes by or against the Nobility and the Caldensian clergy.
These crimes must go before the Republican Assembly as well as a High Judge.
Abuse of position including graft, embezzlement, accepting bribes,
dereliction of duty, etc. Where a government official is concerned, this is
always a felony. Penalties: loss of office, property and title, imprisonment,
banishment, or death.
Bearing Heraldic arms without lawful right, disrespect for a
person of noble rank, or for a lawfully appointed official. Penalties:
flogging, imprisonment, branding, death.
Impersonation, usurpery of Church Rights, restriction of a Church
official’s duties, and the assault and murder of a church official. These
crimes are also church crimes but enforced by a civil judge or official.
Penalties: flogging, branding, imprisonment, or death.
Hindering an officer/ noble in performing his duty. If other
felonies are involved in the obstruction, this crime is deemed a felony.
Penalties: flogging, pillory, fine, imprisonment, or death.
Crimes of
violence against commoners. As a general rule in Eye, all citizens are subject,
though more leniency and higher appeals are granted to the Nobility. While
commoners suffer the more severe penalties, nobles face restitution in cash or
Detention of a person against his will without lawful cause.
Penalties: restitution, fine, imprisonment.
Any fire that is set that causes loss of life and property, this
includes fires that get out of control. Penalties: Restitution, fines,
imprisonment, or death.
Not usually a felony unless another felony crime occurs at the
time. A physical attack on an individual may include fistfights or the
restraining of a person during a robbery. Self-defense not assault if life or
limb or property were in danger. If a weapon is used it becomes a felony.
Penalties: restitution, fines, pillory.
A felony. Any attack on a person that does injury or with a
weapon. Does not include Self-defense. Penalties: restitution, fines, pillory,
or imprisonment
A felony. The consuming of any human flesh or body part. A common
social taboo. Penalties: fines, pillory, imprisonment, or death by burning.
It is the drawing of any weapon with the intention of threat. The
crime against a noble is more serious than against a commoner. Not usually, a
felony if no assault takes place, or any other crime such as robbery.
Penalties: restitution, fines.
The accidental slaying of a commoner. Usually a felony. Penalties:
restitution, fines, imprisonment
The killing of a person without due cause or provocation. If the
victim is a noble or clergyman than the Privilege Crime is also invoked.
Penalties: restitution, fines, imprisonment, death.
Engaged in some prohibited sexual act such as prostitution, etc.
Penalties: flogging, restitution, fines, pillory, imprisonment
Withholding truthful testimony before a Republican official. Penalties:
restitution, fines.
Sexual assault on a maiden or sexual relations with a married
woman. Penalties: restitution, fines, castration, imprisonment, death.
False accusation, malicious gossip, etc. Penalties: restitution,
flogging, pillory, removal of tongue.
Secular crimes
that cause only economic harm. None are felonies unless a violent act occurred
or as part of a Privilege Crime.
Breaking into the property of another without lawful cause or
provocation. Penalties: restitution, fine, pillory, imprisonment.
Forging documents or coinage, possession of it, etc. Penalties:
restitution, fine, imprisonment.
Theft. Penalties: flogging, restitution, fine, pillory,
imprisonment, death by hanging.
A felony. Penalties: fine, imprisonment, death. The corpse is
usually left on public display.
A felony. Hunting on a noble’s lands. Penalties: flogging,
restitution, fine, branding, imprisonment.
A felony. Possessing, selling, or transporting, any proscribed or
contraband goods. Penalties: fines, imprisonment, death by hanging.
A felony.
Avoiding payment of any lawful toll or tax. Penalties: flogging, restitution,
fines, pillory, imprisonment.
Laws that
effect merchants and commerce. None are felonies. They may be enforced under a
Guild’s judgment or under a civil court or ruler.
This is the failure to uphold a contract or agreement by one of
the parties. The suit must be brought by one of the injured parties. Penalties:
fines, confiscation of goods or property, banishment.
Usually this entails the false representation of one’s services as
being of guild sanction. Penalties: fines, confiscation of goods or property,
This is the failure to make good on all debts in a timely fashion.
This usually comes about after a creditor has exhausted all other means to
resolve the debt. Penalties: imprisonment, confiscation of goods or property,
serfdom or slavery.
recognized by the state that are judged and tried in church courts, trail by
ordeal may be a part of things. Secular consent is needed for executions.
Lack of respect for a lawfully recognized deity. Penalties:
scolding, fines, removal of tongue, death.
Impersonation, usurper of Church Rights, restriction of a Church
official’s duties, and the assault and murder of a church official. These
crimes are also church crimes but enforced by a civil judge or official.
Penalties: flogging, branding, imprisonment, or death.
A church official that commits one of the crimes or felonies
listed. They are defrocked. Penalties: Anathematized (loss of Church rank and
divine power. Then any other penalty may be applied.
The Theft/damage to the property or relics of the church.
Penalties: flogging, restitution, branding, death.
Contradicting, denying, disputing official church doctrine.
Penalties: mutilation, branding, death by hanging or fire.
Conjuring or consorting with demons, farie, or spirits, disposing
of souls, casting inimical spells, and/or possessing arcane or unholy items.
flogging, restitution, branding, death by hanging or fire.
The dominant
merchant ship is the Eyen KARUNE. A new design developed by Eyen shipwrights,
it is capable of long sea voyages in the roughest seas and mixes traits of both
the Northern Dak or Carrack styles with the hull and sail design of the Ji
Hassa's Raem and Khurn-Nagla merchant ships. However, the Harbors attract ships
of all type from most known ports. Everything from the simple traders to the
largest carracks. The Eyen Trireme are also common but are berthed in the
military harbor.
PORT FEES Pil Wfg Reg |
MARKET Size Hwk Bnd |
Eye |
36 90 1.35 |
L L |
35d 6f 60d |
8 10% 2% |
14 4f |
0300 |
Abinger |
S M |
4 |
0100 |
Cordoban |
S |
3 |
0300 |
Davarum |
S S |
4 |
--- |
Eckard Landin |
S |
4 |
0200 |
Gerona |
S S |
2 |
0130 |
Mageir |
M M |
3 |
0030 |
Malaneye |
S |
3 |
0300 |
Pambling |
- |
2 |
0200 |
Seik AlJamash |
M M |
4 |
0330 |
Tyn's Warf |
-- -- |
2 |
0300 |
West Seakeep |
S |
2 |
0400 |
Most of the
dwellings in the Republic are single-family dwellings. Along the coast mud and
waddle as well as stronger brick, walls often enclose a one or two room home.
Thatching is the major roof material. Animals are kept indoors or in an
adjoining pen. These peasant homes are clustered in villages of 4-24 families
and are usually associated with a nearby manor, though not always. Further
inland and in the hills to the north, timber is more widely available. Cut wood
shingles are as common as thatch. These villages are often more independent and
more distant from one another and any manors.
Ethnically the
people of the Republic are diverse. Most inhabitants are descendants from the
all the many settlers who have moved along the coast. The early Llynerians came
after the elves left the area. Followed by the Allemanni Empire and its various
cultures. These people blended with one another to create the people of
Kronland. Later Arissian and Ji Hassan invasions contributed to more variety.
The influx of Llynerian settlers in the Nor Reach River Valley has brought a
new and much defined culture as well as some clashes.
is a dark and foreboding place. The southern fringes are a source for mush of
the timber that is consumed by the Eyen shipyards. This has done nothing to
improve relations with the forest inhabitants. While the dark beings that roam
the woods might just be bandits, locals say they are a dark race of elves that
live deep in the enchanted parts of the forest. The area around the Enchanted
River is known not for its elves but for the flower YIRMOR whose nectar becomes
the drug STICKLE on the tongues of the native Ivy Bat.
Rolant Coarth
is the present Duke of Abnaile. They are one of the oldest families in the
Republic and the Outlands as well. The House of Coarth has long been a bastion
of the Traditionalist Party in the Assembly. Still they have no love for the
Orthodox Caldensian groups remembering the devastation brought by the
Archbishop of Lantilo campaign during the last Wizard's War. This division
among the most conservative parties has allowed the City to control politics in
the Republic. He has contested the allocation of the Marshalty to the Count of
Bryncap but is loosing support among the Assembly as Bryncap gains new allies
from the Traditionalist party.
Called by
Eyens SICKLEJAW, The Ji Hassan enclave of Siek Al Jamash is one of the fealty
states to the Republic. Founded by Ji Hassa invaders in the year 38 AF while
the Outlands were still recovering from the brutal Arissian Conquest. The rocky
cliffs and hills, which cover this area, provide a natural wall that has
protected Seik Al Jamash from all attempts to retake it from the southern
infidels. Eventually was deemed the wiser course to invite the Sheik into the
Republic of Eye. The enclave joined in 120 AF. The Castle that rises above the
Vanarian Bay is a wonder of this part of the world. The finest craftsmen from
the Jewel Cities and Tyrolach have performed all work that has been done on it.
A winding road leads down to the harbor and the only other approach is another
near goat trail that cuts through the cliffs and gorges that surround the
place. The grandfather of the present Sheik put in the wonderful water gardens
that fill the northern bailey.
The existence
of this holding rankles both the Orthodox and Traditionalist parties. Abnaile
has developed batter relations of this western neighbor but he is alone among
the Traditionalist who resent an infidel who holds title. Ben Shakur's
connections with pirates do not help his cause either among the Trading House
reps in the Assembly.
The Count of
Bryncap is Josel Merates, who at present leads many of the Traditionalists in
the Assembly. He has worked hard to undercut the Duke of Abnaile among this
group. He favors a very isolationist policy; distrust all "outsiders"
especially the citizens of the City of Eye and the Abinger settlers in the
southeast. Count Bryncaps strongest ally is Lord Maxel of the Star Council.
The Grandbrey
valley is a rich region and the proximity to Davorum is ideal. Especially since
many nobles houses maintain residences at this inland town to avoid the summer
heat and bad air of the City. During the later months of summer is known as the
Summer Assembly, as the elite flock to the shaded waters of Davorum. In
addition, Merates controls much of what goes on here. He is bitterly apposed by
Lord Wortley the regions Constable, but all maneuvers are played out behind the
facades of the gentility.
The Count of
Barill is Sir Gabriel Partan, and a shrewd but vain man. He is along with the
Duke of Garda are very involved in the mercantile trade. His connections in the
chartered town of Gelbin have capitalized on the eastern caravans from Keleft
and Quäsara. Of more commercial note is the timber that comes through Gelbin on
its way to the Shipyards of Eye. Barill was said to have had close several
close relationships among the Anti-Republican rebels, but his power lies with
the Republic and so does Sir Gabriel's loyalty.
The City Of Palaces, Damovarum is a beautiful town north of Eye on
the Grandbrey River. It is here that many of the Republic noble houses maintain
summer estates to avoid the two months of stifling heat that grips the City of
Eye every year. While the setting is peaceful and bucolic in Damovarum, the air
is thick with politics, scandal and intrigue. The Duke of Garda, Lord Umorian,
Lord Kandal, and Lord Wayn holds the notable palaces. All are along the winding
Grandbrey. Several smaller palaces are also in the town belonging to minor
The Tebor Family holds title to the Duchy of Garda, the founding
state of the Republic. Since Petreck Duke of Garda fled to the islands of the
Peel Inlet and his successors built up the City of Eye, the Duchy has been the
guiding force behind much of the Republic's actions. It must be noted though,
that the Duchy is often at odds with the other lords of the Republic.
Garda has always been quick to profit from almost every situation.
It was the first Noble house to become a major trader in the Eyen shipping
industry and has become very wealthy. The present Duke Lord Carlson is now
different, and he has to be with the expensive taste and fashion pursued by his
wife and adult children.
It was once tradition for the Duke of Garda to always be the
Marshal General of the Republic, but the Ministry has fallen under more direct
control of the Star Council in the last few generations. This loss of power
still rankles Garda, especially now since the Marshalty is held by a scion of
the Count of Bryncap.
A sister town
to Eye, Malaneye is known for the fine glass blowing shops and beadwork. As it
sits on the coast its harbor does a great deal of trade and is the outlet for
much of the central holdings. The Council of Houses, a mixed assembly of
merchants and local nobles, governs Malaneye.
The Town of
Gelbin sits astride the lands of Bryncap and
-Lord Matin
Itscow Count of the Isles holds title of these rocky islands. They are
known for their wine grapes and good fishing. This territory is also known as
the County of the Isles and has been held by the Itscow since the time of
Krönland. At that time they were a lesser family whose nobles spent as much
time fishing and harvesting the sea kelp as fighting. The decimation caused by
the Arrisian Horde passed Lord Itscow isolated on his islands. AS with Garda,
the sea offered great protection. The Itscow claims expanded after the fall of
the Kingdom and he took much of the lands once held by Norland.
The Itscow still maintain a certain
isolated policy from the politics of the republic. This had preserved their
holdings, but made them a weak voice in the assembly. It is said that the
Itscow follow their motto, "Trust only the waves before the night",
too literally.
The Count of
Abinger, Corune Dal'Gleesh, is a vassal to the Republic. His duty is to guard
the eastern frontier and the caravan road. While not a very productive land
commercially the state is wealthy from all the trade that comes from the
distant East. It is mainly populated by Llynerians settled here to act as a
buffer. The Count, descended from the Llynerian barbarians.
this region was the Eastern Duchy of Norland under the King of Krönland. Few
men had settled here due to its great distance and its closeness to the Dead
Waste and the eldritch HIGHBRIDGE or Bridge of Brotherhood. Known for the great
Nor Reach River that protects the world from the east, the Dukes duties were
the same as today to protect the caravan route. During the Arissian Invasion
the Bridge was overrun and the Easterlings poured into the Kingdom, flooding it
with blood and death.
After the
Arissians were repulsed and the land was again at peace, Krönland was crumbling
and Norland was no more. Only Garda still had any strength protected by the
marshes and the Peel Inlet. Years followed and Norland was forgotten. After
several decades new settlers arrived from the barbarian Kingdoms to the north
at the direction of the newly born Republic. An empty land, the resettlement doubles
the size of Eye's holdings. The Llynerian mercenaries were happy for the land
and the ruins of Galdoran civilization in their homeland made it easier to
accept the Bridge. As mentioned earlier, the count of Abinger was raised from
these early clan chiefs.
Any trip to or from the Eastern frontier of
the Republic of Eye, will lead you to the “Bridge of Brotherhood”, or “Varda
Noredil Yante” (Q) in the old Eldar tongue. The wondrous span crosses the
mighty Nor Reach at the Eyen town of Highbridge. This community along the
western banks of the river takes its name from this monument. The Galdoran
built the bridge long before man came to these lands as a sign of cooperation
with the Dwarven Kingdom of Azzinzabar. Spanning the river at a still wide
point, the bridge rises from two mounds on either side. Made of a white stone,
it has ornate patterns of vines, leaves, ivy and abstract designs worked in
relief. A single arch, it gently curves over the water, no pillars or columns
for support.
Most amazing, is the fact that the Bridge of
Brotherhood, survived both the Great War and the following Act of Desecration
by the Elves, which destroyed much of the world’s landmarks. The magic that
saved it then has left a monument to the powers of the Eldar today. Centuries
of caravans and armies have failed to create the slightest wear, yet the hard
marble like stone never feels slippery in the fall rains.
The nature of the bridge has until recently
kept the region unpopulated, forming the boundaries of the Kronish Kingdom as
well as the realms that came before it. Over a hundred years ago the Eyen
Republic had trouble guarding their eastern borders, until the settled the
superstitious but magic accepting Llynerians on both sides of the Nor Reach.
From them arose Highbridge and the County of Abinger.
During the Great War the border between
Galdor and the Dominion was heavily contested. After the fall of Azzinzabar
only the Nor Reach known then as the Luine Laitarre (Q), “River of the Green
Queen”, stood in the way. The only ways across were the heavily defended Bridge
of Brotherhood or Varda Noredil Yante (Q) and the ford at Belkris (Q) or “Might
Cut”, now known as Bjeist. The Expedition Army of the Dominion under the
command of the warrior-mage Governor of Kalmathys decided to breach the line at
the ford. The magic of the Bridge strengthened the defender’s positions at the
southern position limiting the approach. The mighty “Battle of Falling Hope” or
Dagor Estelannt insued and the Eldar were victorious though gravely weakened.
Much of the fine Calvary of the Elves was sacrificed in the charges against
both the Shadow spawn and the Shadow Guard. But in desperation the spell
casters of the Kalmathi summoned a mighty demon that was the antipathis of the
Elven Lord Elrohir Daelda. The demon joined with the might of the Dread Lord
and with spear and spells attacked the elves throwing them back. The two
generals both cut through the forces of the other until they fell upon one
another. Both appeared to strike a deathblow against the other, but in doing so
they found themselves bound within fate.
Fearing for their lord, the elves collected
his body from the field and took him away. Afraid of the power contained within
and unable to destroy their lord, the Eldar created a tower that was to be
Daelda’s resting place until he could be revived. This was centuries ago,
before the Act of Desecration that ended the Great War and the Age of Legends.
The chamber that held Lord Elrohir is the Amorian Tower or the eldar Tol
Melestome or “The Tower Resting place of Love”.
Eventually time passes. The war dragged on
and the Elves and their allies continued to give ground before the hordes of
the Dominion. The desperate actions that were undertaken may have been the only
course available, the loss of the history of the time leaves few clues. The
Monument of the Varda Noredil Yante still stands as a reminder of the beauty
possible of the Galdoran when we too well remember the evils to which they
The Republic
is made up of five Great Clans, eight major families, ten minor ones, and
another eight merchant princes who hold title.
The Tebor of Garda, the Coarth of Abnaile, and the Partan of Barill, the
Merates Counts of Bryncap, and the Itscow of the Isles. All of these houses
trace their lineage back to the ruling clans of Krönland.
FAMILIES: Ben Shakur of Seik Al Jamash, the Llynerian Dal'Gleesh of Abinger,
the Hotz of Carswell, the Kandal of Torrance, the Rystan Counts of Narain,
Urmora Rosensur, and Wayn of Eshkol.
FAMILIES OF TILTE: All of these families owe fealty to the houses listed above.
Their estates may consist of castles and keeps on the mainland and or a Palace
in the City of Eye. These families are the Allister, Cham, Deemson, Halpern,
Kistnov, Mansur, Scroggin, Tretmain, Vance, and Wellsore.
PRINCES: These houses have title that they have been able to purchase. All are
the newest noble houses, only a few generations. Eventually they may be
accepted a Minor Families. Their holdings usually consist of a small manor
inland and a palace in Eye. They are the Bentas, Borg, Cantrell, French,
Kasstar, North, Porfario, and Spellbridge
All of the
above families are titleholders to the estates of the Republic and as such are
all presented in the Assembly. Since fealty may be owed to Major or Great
houses, power is often consolidated among the Great Clans. This means that on
every issue the power brokering is complex due to a mix of interest and fealty
HOLDER is the
family name, not the first name. The lands are usually passed down to the
oldest son or to any child designated officially by the lord as heir. Bastards
do not get the family name, even if they inherit the estate.
Estates, is the region that oversees the manor.
MANOR is the
type of building. Kp is a stone Keep or small castle. St is a
stone fortified manor or village. W represents a wood fortified manor or
village. And un is an unfortified manor or village, no major walls of
ditches. no means that there is no manor in the village. Manor close to
the water is usually stone, brick and wood construction. Farther inland they
become more stone and wood.
The Tebor
Family holds title to the Duchy of Garda, the founding state of the Republic.
Since Petreck Duke of Garda fled to the islands of the Peel Inlet and his
successors built up the City of Eye, the Duchy has been the guiding force
behind much of the Republic's actions. It must be noted though, that the Duchy
is often at odds with the other lords of the Republic.
Garda has
always been quick to profit from almost every situation. It was the first Noble
house to become a major trader in the Eyen shipping industry and has become
very wealthy. The present Duke Lord Carlson is now different, and he has to be
with the expensive taste and fashion pursued by his wife and adult children.
It was once
tradition for the Duke of Garda to always be the Marshal General of the
Republic, but the Ministry has fallen under more direct control of the Star
Council in the last few generations. This loss of power still rankles Garda,
especially now since the Marshalty is held by a scion of the Count of Bryncap.
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Tebor |
St |
Shewar |
bailiff |
St |
Manker |
Fairfax |
un |
Wendel Ford |
Kanterly |
un |
Crowning |
bailiff |
W |
Oakdale |
---------- |
Justbridge no |
Brorleigh |
bailiff |
W |
Eckard |
French |
W |
St Philips |
Abbot- Kend |
St |
Philpoint |
bailiff |
Justbridge un |
Quince |
Verder |
Narain un |
St Martin |
Abbot- Bindi |
St |
Landing |
Avarill |
Narain St |
Cross |
---------- |
Narain no |
Dorreneye |
bailiff |
Narain un |
Tinde Lake |
Fenstral |
Narain W |
Landing |
bailiff |
Justbridge W |
Kornord |
---------- |
no |
Prichard |
Leepeer |
Justbridge St |
Handborne |
bailiff |
Justbridge un |
Low Forest |
Huleybutt |
Justbridge W |
Middlekeep |
Halpern |
St |
Evaron |
Bailiff |
Justbridge un |
Shorty |
Bailiff |
Justbridge un |
Swan Hyde |
Saargreen* |
Justbridge St |
Felldasher |
Stuart |
Justbridge St |
Fastener |
Bailiff |
un |
Rolant Coarth
is the present Duke of Abnaile. In Abnaile rules one of the oldest families in
the Republic and the Outlands as well. The House of Coarth has long been a
bastion of the Traditionalist Party in the Assembly. Still they have no love
for the Orthodox Caldensian groups remembering the devastation brought by the
Archbishop of Lantilo campaign during the last Wizard's War. This division
among the most conservative parties ahs allowed the City to control politics in
the Republic. He has contested the allocation of the Marshalty to the Count of
Bryncap but is loosing support among the Assembly as Bryncap gains new allies
from the Traditionalist party.
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Coarth |
Kp |
Helmville |
bailiff |
Riversby un |
Boundy |
bailiff |
Riversby W |
Torying |
Heathlor |
Riversby W |
Zabdiel |
Tylford |
Riversby un |
AmberWood |
Dvaser |
Riversby st |
Peretsby |
---------- |
Narain no |
Mituck |
Dogreen |
Alsap un |
Buckville |
bailiff |
Alsap un |
Crossing |
Tarreena |
Alsap W |
Dovesby Gate |
bailiff |
Alsap un |
Hacksbridge |
Backhusk |
Riversby Kp |
Exter Ferry |
bailiff |
Eshkol un |
Forestwell |
Nitaman |
Riversby W |
Off Tracken |
---------- |
Riversby no |
Whitewood |
Agathan |
Riversby un |
Selening |
Kistov |
Riversby W |
Orswell |
Bailiff |
Riversby un |
Casemy |
Benoist |
Riversby W |
Heathcat |
Bailiff |
Riversby un |
Rastelbus |
---------- |
Riversby no |
The Count of
Bryncap is Josel Merates, who at present leads many of the Traditionalists in
the Assembly. He has worked hard to undercut the Duke of Abnaile among this
group. He favors a very isolationist policy, distrust all "outsiders"
especially the citizens of the City of Eye and the Abinger settlers in the
southeast. Count Bryncaps strongest ally is Lord Maxel of the Star Council.
The Grandbrey
valley is a rich region and the proximity to Davorum is ideal. Especially since
many nobles houses maintain residences at this inland town to avoid the summer
heat and bad air of the City. During the later months of summer is known as the
Summer Assembly, as the elite flock to the shaded waters of Davorum. And
Merates controls much of what goes on here. He is bitterly apposed by Lord
Wortley the regions Constable, but all maneuvers are played out behind the
facades of the gentility.
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Merates |
Wortley Kp |
East Whisper |
Aabyman |
Wortley un |
Darvo Lake |
bailiff |
Wortley un |
ELKsbourne |
bailiff/ former Weston |
Wortley W |
Hopsbright |
Palmarose |
Wortley un |
Halewyn |
Seckler |
Wortley W |
Hookville |
Langahorne |
Justbridge un |
West White |
Wightman |
Wortley W |
Coppercap |
Hyler |
Wortley un |
Torrance |
Kandal/Baliff |
Alsap W |
Chaplet |
bailiff |
Alsap un |
Moduwyn |
Sakfield |
Wortley un |
Trotwood |
Copshyde |
Wortley un |
Heymuth |
Kandal |
Worltey St |
Tretmain |
bailiff |
Wortley St |
Thonwyn |
Bracks |
Wortley un |
Godpal |
bailiff |
Wortley un |
Deemson |
Eshkol W |
Baskdro |
bailiff |
Eshkol un |
Woodfell |
Bridgman |
Eshkol un |
Mt. Duven |
--------------- |
Eshkol no |
The Count of
Barill is Sir Gabriel Partan, and a shrewd but vain man. He is along with the
Duke of Garda are very involved in the mercantile trade. His connections in the
chartered town of Gelbin have capitalized on the eastern caravans from Keleft
and Quäsara. Of more commercial note is the timber that comes through Gelbin on
its way to the Shipyards of Eye. Barill was said to have had close several
close relationships among the Anti-Republican rebels, but his power lies with
the Republic and so does Sir Gabriel's loyalty.
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Parton |
Edley Kp |
Lucross |
bailiff |
Edley un |
Wynfieds |
-------- |
Edley no |
Raymoon |
bailiff |
Edley W |
Millwell |
Pinkham |
Edley un |
Onfin |
Tophelms |
Edley W |
Gerona |
Wellsore |
Edley St |
Rambwyn |
-------- |
Brorkeep no |
Shontvill |
Panser |
Brorkeep un |
Wyngate |
bailiff |
Edley St |
Evanwyn |
Dionett |
Edley un |
Greenwell |
Evaron |
Edley W |
Gooddale |
-------- |
Edley no |
Wacross |
Calesolda |
Edley un |
Malvinsky |
Unrich |
Edley W |
Iolaville |
Peretsby |
Edley un |
Woodmont Abbey |
Abbot-Kend |
Edley W |
Lockardy |
Rastel |
Brorkeep St |
Easterloft |
Wexter |
Brorkeep un |
Gelbin, Town |
Chartered Council |
Edley St |
Kirtis |
Symble |
Edley un |
This territory
is also known as the County of the Isles and has been held by the Itscow since
the time of Krönland. At that time they were a lesser family whose nobles spent
as much time fishing and harvesting the sea kelp as fighting. The decimation
caused by the Arrisian Horde passed Lord Itscow isolated on his islands. AS
with Garda, the sea offered great protection. The Itscow claims expanded after
the fall of the Kingdom and he took much of the lands once held by Norland.
The Itscow
still maintain a certain isolated policy from the politics of the republic.
This had preserved their holdings, but made them a weak voice in the assembly.
It is said that the Itscow follow their motto, "Trust only the waves
before the night", too literally.
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Itscow |
The Isles Kp |
Edernae |
Edley (Con) |
The Isles un |
Guardsway |
bailiff |
The Isles St |
Confers |
The Isles un |
St. Isolda |
Abbess-Kend |
The Isles St |
Eders |
The Isles un |
Little Port |
bailiff |
Brorkeep W |
Rallbluff |
---------- |
The Isles no |
Albret |
Fodders |
Brorkeep un |
Unrich |
Lockard |
Brorkeep W |
Callbeville |
Brassen |
Brorkeep un |
Herbex |
Bailiff |
Brorkeep un |
Arnoidiel |
Cham |
Brorkeep St |
Unsterby |
bailiff |
Brorkeep un |
Upper Osti |
Vansteed |
Brorkeep un |
Blasckonin |
-------- |
Brorkeep un |
Gwening Point |
bailiff |
Brorkeep W |
Cloutville |
Haspro |
Brorkeep un |
Brassard |
Gellen |
Brorkeep W |
Mossling |
Mandread |
Brorkeep un |
Usterby |
Popperfield |
Brorkeep St |
Dobbin Ford |
Fergeen |
Brorkeep un |
Starfold |
Borg |
Brorkeep no |
Called by
Eyens SICKLEJAW, The Ji Hassan enclave of Siek Al Jamash is one of the fealty
states to the Republic. Founded by Ji Hassa invaders in the year 38 AF while
the Outlands were still recovering from the brutal Arissian Conquest. The rocky
cliffs and hills, which cover this area, provide a natural wall that has
protected Seik Al Jamash from all attempts to retake it from the southern
infidels. Eventually was deemed the wiser course to invite the Sheik into the
Republic of Eye. The enclave joined in 120 AF. The Castle that rises above the
Vanarian Bay is a wonder of this part of the world. The finest craftsmen from
the Jewel Cities and Tyrolach have performed all work that has been done on it.
A winding road leads down to the harbor and the only other approach is another
near goat trail that cuts through the cliffs and gorges that surround the
place. The grandfather of the present Sheik put in the wonderful water gardens
that fill the northern bailey.
The present
Sheik of Seik Al Jamash is Basta Ben Shakur, who traces his line back to the
original Sheik who came to the Outlands. He holds a seat in the Republican
Assembly along with his vassal Sheik Jas Jas-Mâr Lord of Cordoban. While the
northern keep has never fallen, Cordoban has changed hands dozens of times,
occasionally held by pirates who operate in the eastern seas.
The existence
of this holding rankles both the Orthodox and Traditionalist parties. Abnaile
has developed batter relations of this western neighbor but he is alone among
the Traditionalist who resent an infidel who holds title. Ben Shakur's
connections with pirates do not help his cause either among the Trading House
reps in the Assembly.
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Ben Shakur |
Morton Kp |
Sheliegh |
As Shar Herar |
Morton no |
Zabdele |
bailiff |
Morton W |
Naedri |
bailiff |
Morton St |
Bimrhao |
Dumwor |
Morton W |
Javel |
Ben Quorash |
Morton un |
Cordoban |
Jas-Mar |
Morton Kp |
Coral Peak |
Hepham |
Morton un |
Carelia |
Thorgeld |
Morton W |
The Count of
Abinger, Corune Dal'Gleesh, is a vassal to the Republic. His duty is to guard
the eastern frontier and the caravan road. While not a very productive land
commercially the state is wealthy from all the trade that comes from the
distant East. It is mainly populated by Llynerians settled here to act as a
buffer. The Count from these barbarians.
this region was the Eastern Duchy of Norland under the King of Krönland. Few
men had settled here due to its great distance and its closeness to the Dead
Waste and the eldritch HighBridge or Bridge of Brotherhood. Known for the great
Nor Reach River that protects the world from the east, the Dukes duties were
the same as today to protect the caravan route. During the Arissian Invasion
the Bridge was overrun and the Easterlings poured into the Kingdom. flooding it
with blood and death.
After the
Arissians were repulsed and the land was again at peace, Krönland was crumbling
and Norland was no more. Only Garda still had any strength protected by the
marshes and the Peel Inlet. Years followed and Norland was forgotten. After
several decades new settlers arrived from the barbarian Kingdoms to the north
at the direction of the newly born Republic. An empty land, the resettlement
doubles the size of Eye's holdings. The Llynerian mercenaries were happy for
the land and the ruins of Galdoran civilization in their homeland made it
easier to accept the Bridge. As mentioned earlier, the count of Abinger was raised
from these early clan chiefs.
Highbridge is
the community along the western banks of the Nor Reach. It is at the crossing
of the Bridge of Brotherhood, "Varda Nórëdil Yante". The Eldar people
built this structure long before man came to these lands as a sign of
cooperation with the Dwarven Kingdom of Azzinzabar. Spanning the river at a
still wide point, it rises from two high mounds. Made of a white stone it has
ornate patterns of vines, leaves, and abstract designs worked in relief. Most
amazing was the fact that it survived the legendary Act of Desecration and
breaking of the land at the End of the Great War. The Bridge is one graceful
single arch, no spans and no pillars to support it. Also the stone never seems
to wear down by the ages of travel across it.
Fourteen clans
make up the Llynerian population. Seven still have ties in the Kingdoms, while
the other seven are outlaw clans who were more than happy to immigrate. Their
clan chiefs answer to the Count of Abinger, who answers to the Council and
Assembly in Eye. Most of the clansmen are freeholders, under clan rule. Feuds
still occur and the sins of the past often get replayed here at the end of the
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Dal'Gleesh |
Abinger W |
Doaning |
Bailiff |
Abinger un |
West Ford |
------------- |
Abinger no |
Highbridge Charter town |
Bailiff |
Abinger W |
Chipwyndile |
Bailiff |
Magier un |
Eaststep |
Adomnan |
Abinger W |
Eastford |
Eonock |
Abinger un |
W. Millford |
--------- |
Abinger no |
Millmyrth |
Bailiff |
Abinger un |
St Eadrus of Norland |
Abbot - Greg |
Magier W |
Garbhwell |
Laichad |
Magier un |
Fergwyn |
Fergain |
Magier un |
Galwyn |
Cathalhyll |
Magier W |
Riverside |
Ceolmarr |
Magier un |
Clakenmor |
bailiff |
Magier un |
Knockmor |
Ua Falas |
Magier un |
Marwyn |
Comerge |
Abinger St |
Troughwes |
Fergain |
Abinger un |
Dudahynmor |
Dudahhuin |
Abinger W |
Breckwes |
bailiff |
Abinger un |
Undeep |
Dagni |
Abinger un |
Dudahwyn |
Dudahuin |
Abinger St |
Tyrwell |
Bailiff |
Abinger un |
Lugenmor |
Emancahid |
Abinger Kp |
Berawyn |
Eocher |
Abinger W |
Eastwatch |
Dal' Laigren |
Abinger Kp |
Watchferry |
Baidu |
Abinger un |
This is the
most northern portion of the Republic and the most isolated. Almost in the
small Kingdom of Sadia, Upper Grandbrey is thought to be a backwater and
frontier. Baron Carswell has settled the land where the tangled woodland of the
Dray Fells meet with the darker and more insidious Ivy Forest. It is said that
dark creatures are found here, and travel at night is dangerous not only
because of the steep paths. Carswell is a buffer with the lands farther north
and the barbarians that occasionally raid from the Quidred Wilderlands into the
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Hotz |
Eshkol St |
Mathmill |
bailiff |
Eshkol un |
Templwyn |
bailiff |
Eshkol W |
Steesby |
Tyndman |
Eshkol W |
Val Run |
Bailing |
Eshkol un |
Tymbore |
bailiff |
Eshkol W |
Mythdale |
Pennsford |
Eshkol un |
Rosen is one
of those left over estates from the days of Kronland. But while the larger
families have swallowed their neighbors and consolidated power, Rosen has
steadily shrunk. Lady Kelin Urmora is the present Baroness, and she spends
little time on her estate, preferring her palace in the City of Eye. As such,
her lands seem very removed.
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Urmora |
Magier St |
Derrisby |
bailiff |
Magier un |
Grandneedl |
Willem |
Magier un |
Carrickdile |
Deansmyt |
Magier un |
Baron Rushby
is the deepest inland of all the holdings. Most of Sir Barry Allister's
subjects are independently minded woodsmen who live on isolated farms trying to
scratch a living from the thick forest floor. Lately the baron has been very
preoccupied with a series of rumors that have seized his people regarding beast
men from the Ivy Forest.
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Allister |
Kp |
Greenmyrth |
bailiff |
Brorkeep un |
East Malan |
Bailiff |
Brorkeep W |
Moselwell |
Sterndales |
Brorkeep un |
Ramawood |
bailiff |
Brorkeep W |
Loofield |
----------- |
Brorkeep no |
Angelholm |
Abbot- Greg. |
Abinger St |
Greenwyn |
Natty |
Abinger W |
Ivyway |
Mashery |
Abinger un |
These men and
women are the eyes and ears of the Republic, they act as judges and advocates
for the citizens outside the city. While they work for the Ministry of Estates,
they also sit in the Republican Assembly as both Constables are representatives
for their own houses. It is a very powerful position with a wide range of
powers, most of which are not used in order to avoid conflict with the most
powerful houses. Though sometimes the clash occurs, and the Constables usually
have the weight of the Assembly behind them.
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Vance (Con) |
Abinger St |
Pebble |
Vi Dullmor |
Abinger un |
EmonsGate |
Bailiff |
Abinger un |
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Boreman (Con) |
Alsap W |
Noblemrth |
bailiff |
Alsap W |
Legawyn |
Alsap un |
St Tomas on
Grandbrey |
Abbott- Kend |
Alsap W |
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Mansur (Con) |
Brorkeep St |
Greensmall |
bailiff |
Brorkeep un |
Greengreat |
bailiff |
Brorkeep un |
Marketmor |
Tilliford |
Brorkeep W |
Yellowfield |
Fruitlar |
Brorkeep un |
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Town Council |
Edley St |
Fleetsby |
Borg |
Edley un |
Edley Keep |
Srcoggin (Con |
Edley Kp |
Dresus |
bailiff |
Edley St |
Kormryth |
Hangrill |
Edley W |
Jaspers |
---------- |
Edley no |
Seaview |
Eadros * |
Edley St |
Saladay |
bailiff |
Edley un |
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Wayn (Con) |
Eshkol St |
Toresby |
Bailiff |
Eshkol un |
Maker |
Petres |
Eshkol un |
Oxeford |
Bailiff |
Eshkol W |
Wifeville |
Micash |
Eshkol un |
Widow Keep |
Kaspar* |
Eshkol St |
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Bensino (Con) |
Justbridge St |
Crowning |
Morton |
Justbridge W |
Kogan |
Findry |
Justbridge un |
Oppers |
Jselton |
Justbridge un |
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Damorana (Con) |
Magier Kp |
Gwilmyrth |
bailiff |
Magier un |
Banill |
--------- |
Magier no |
St. Padricks |
Abbot- Greg |
Magier St |
Pambling |
bailiff |
Magier un |
Heathclift |
Shackerford |
Magier un |
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Mezerone (Con) |
Morton W |
Darasno |
Rasar |
Morton un |
Hellspring |
-------- |
Norton no |
Minnowrun |
Steeft |
Morton un |
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Rystan (Con) |
Narain St |
Infansby |
bailiff |
Narain W |
Ambleville |
Peppror |
Narain un |
Deepford |
Kently |
Narain W |
Kostcamp |
Canadean |
Narain un |
Brywood Abbey |
Abbot - Greg |
Narain W |
Kettle |
Langhorne |
Narain un |
W. Kettle |
Hoswell |
Narain un |
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Pennyore (Con) |
Riversby Kp |
Leesway |
bailiff |
Riversby un |
Shipsight |
bailiff |
Riversby St |
Jaywash |
Stellor |
Riversby un |
fief |
holder |
const. manor |
acre hs kn mn |
Kempe (Con) |
Wortley St |
Brokur |
bailiff |
Narain St |
Whisper Ford |
Brynt |
Narain un |
Tretmane@ |
Tretmane |
Wortley St |
Godpal @ |
Cowler |
Worltey un |
@ note: Fief now held by Kandal of Torrance