ATLAS MAP: Sabrynne




                The continent Sabrynne consist of the south coast or the “GOLD COAST” of the Dunrach Sea and descends southward through impassable mountains and later jungles.    The Allemanni called the land Haradon, but their culture has faded beneath the vibrant Ji-Hassan peoples who call the land Sabrynne.   Known as Haradid from the time before the Great War, it suffered less than the lands of Aradis and Vestlon from the Desecration.   Still the upheaval is remembered in the harsh deserts and stony mountains.   It is said that entire islands vanished and a great sea dried up to create the strange Burnt Sea.  The history of the coast is divided into the period of the God Kings that arose during the Age of Legends, the coming of the Allemanni, and the later Ji-Hassan invasions.   Each has left their mark on the cities, ruins and cultures of the desert.  



                The Ji Hassa invasions have put a great strain on the dwarven realm.  The great waves of the Ji Hassa, the Ji Hassan, and the Ji Hassad, differing peoples united by a common messianic religion changed the face of Hardrast completely.  Beginning on the plains south of the Land of the God-King they spread northward.  Conquering the Land they seized the Golden Cities and rounded the Horn of Ivory.  Now they were in control of all sides of Dracostann.  The weakened Allemanni Empire provided little resistance, as Philomon fell to the Ji Hassa.  Their forces pushed the dwarves from their valleys north of the mountain passes and invaded the mountains themselves in the south.  Fundistan, Torkostan, Tudkistan, and Cor Unort in the north fell under Ji Hassa control.  The Dwarven lords were forced out, while the free holders were forced to pay the Karashta, or unbeliever's tax.  The Tmutar of Fundistan were forced to convert and many were sold off as slaves.


                This was a dark time for the dwarves, brought to an end with the return of interest in Hardrast by the High Empire.  Hoping to regain the holy land about Philemon a series of Crusades were launched.  Eventually with the aid of Grovnan mercenaries the High Empire was successful in returning the Philomon to its holdings.  The city of Rhunon was built on what was Dwarves territory on Cor Unort, but that was the price of liberation.  This attack along the coast weakened the Ji Hassa Caliphs everywhere and the inhospitable mountains proved more difficult as the dwarves retook Fundistan, Torkostan, and Tudkistan.  The building of the defenses known as the dragon fangs and claws occurred soon after in order to prevent any similar invasions.  Their kingdom weakened, it seemed to make a full recovery.  The fact that the human settlement of Rhunon was accomplished as it were, is due to the fact that many of the Grovnan mercenaries were Dwarves who had taken up the viking life and joined the Red Skyans.




 This former capital of the Allemanni Province of Humbaria is now the last bastion of the lost Allemanni culture.   In this city-state, surrounded by desert and the Ji-Hassa, the old Kuist religion and the Ancient Allemanni tongue are still followed.    The city sits behind stout walls at the southern tip of the Bay of Aumbar.   The land along the shores of the bay lie under the city’s control and the lands are prosperous with milder weather than the interior desert regions.   A few forest have been tended since the Empire and they lend the wood required of the great Tyrolachan shipyards.    Away from the Bay of Aumbar the lands are controlled by the Ji-Hassa and Ji-Hassid. 



These are the lands controlled by the High Empire and the Caldensian crusaders.    There have been three bloody crusades to take, hold and retake the lands along the Bay of Chalus.   All attempts to expand from this region have met with bloody defeat.  At present the Ji-Hassam peoples have accepted the Caldensian rule here, but many Ji-Hassa religious leaders have preached against the invaders.    The area known as the Pal is the land between the Koffi and Paryss Rivers.  The two largest settlements are the City of Philomon and the fortress town of Ruhnur, both mentioned below.



The birthplace of the Prophet Caldes, the city of Philomon is a holy place for all Caldensians.   It is goal of pilgrims the world over, and the contested battlefield of the last three crusades.     For all of that, Philomon is a lively and active city, more Ji-Hassam than Allemanni.   The place was once the most southeastern corner of the Allemanni Empire and fell under the authority of Tyrolanon.   This lasted until the earliest of the Ji-Hassam invasions.    The religious Ji-Hassa swept in along converting the old Allemanni and indigenous peoples to the Ji-Hassam faith.   Soon the cities of the south were ruled by the noble Ji-Hassam, and the fires of their faith were lit from all along the Dunrach Coast.    After the First Crusade the city was taken but fell to six years later.   The Second Crusade ended with the disaster of the Battle of Quez Tapas and the death of the High Emperor and most of his bodyguard.   The successful Third Crusade liberated the city and established the Grovnan rulers in Ruhnur as well.



The Grovnan Skyans and Dwarves who leant their ships and support behind the third crusade settled this city.   While some became Caldensian, many maintain the old ways.  It is unusual in this hot desert climate to have so many North men.   The Dwarves were descendents of the Lost Abagzahar in the North and have allowed trade to develop with the Mountain realm of Dracostann.





Known as the Green city from the rich green marble and Malachite quarries in the region, the city has grown wealthy as a trade center.   The dominant culture is the Ji-Hassam, the noble caste of the southerners.   Of all of the Jewel Cities, Beryl has had a stormy relationship with its neighbors.  Several wars have been fought with both Topaz and Amythyst.  Also the trade relations maintained between the city and the Caldensians of the Southern Pal has angered many of region’s rulers.



This jeweled city sits off the Gold Coast and on an island in the Bay of Balleet.    Ruled by the Sheliec of Amythyst, the city has a mixed Ji-Hassa and Ji-Hassam population.   Unlike most Ji-Hassa communities, the Sheliec has been able to keep the Mulahs’ power in check.  This is most likely due to the isolation of the city since it is an island nation.   


Carnelian is ruled by the Nah a’greez Three, the triumvirate of the three most powerful houses of the city.    This ruling council has slowly emerged, with the various clans controlling the city at various times.  Of the seven original families only the Ben Culluwu, Jaharrena, and the A’Vethrize clans remain strong enough to vie for rule.   The others are either much weaker or they have been wiped out.     For the last forty years the big three have ruled from the triumvirate, building and rebuilding power blocks with one another.  Talk has been of some unification under a king or Kaleef but this has only been talk.  



Both the sands of time and the desert swallowed the Lost City, Saphiria.    This was the most inland of the Jewel Cities, made wealthy by their trade in LESTAGII the herb that was reputed to turn back aging.   The citadel of Saphiria was first built by the God-Kings of Salimon and was called Dentor Lhask, the “Hour Glass”.   As the Empire collapsed with the destruction of the Royal City, the Castiliff of Saphiria ruled Dentor Lhask for almost a thousand years when it eventually vanished beneath the sands.  



The “City of Gold”, rises up along the Morhi Ridge, it’s yellow stone towers are individual fortresses within the walled city.  Around these clan citadels, the neighborhood lords and leaders rule the streets.  As such the city is a patchwork of clan holdings and tiny empires.  Topaz is a city full of ambition and strife.  While the Ji-Hassa are few, many Ji-Hassad have come in from the sand to settle here.    These fiercely independent people have continued their clan feuds within the city walls.   Central control under the Tyrant is not strong, and the position has changed from faction to faction over the centuries.  



      More than the Dunrach Sea divides the Dwarves of Dracostann from their brethren, styles of dress, speech and religious beliefs vary greatly.  Still the differences have become less pronounced with the large influx of refugees from Anzinnbarr.  The Dwarves of Dracostann have made their home among the snow-capped peaks of the Dragonfang Mountains.   In this mountain fortress they have been fairly undisturbed until the Ji-Hassan invasions six centuries ago.   While their holdings in the lowlands have shrunken and many of their non-dwarves subjects lost, the rulers in the capital of Barazbul still control vast amounts of resources and hidden vales.   Unlike any other Dwarves civilaztion left on Kemen, Dracostann continues the unique tradtions evolved in this southern land.



Located on the high plateau the Renn of Hutch, the Anvil requires a long and steep climb.  On top, the hills are little more than giant mounds of volcanic rock and deep gorges.  These canyons make a maze that has swallowed armies.  It is the homeland of the Pahna, the Anvil is a desolate place, the hottest and driest desert in the world.  It is said that no man can live there long, but the Pahna hold to it as their birthright.  Strangers and travelers are forbidden in this lost realm, and even the wandering Balagoth fear to travel the desert of the Anvil.   Two thousand years ago the Pahna left the Anvil in mass to seek revenge upon the God-King of Salimon.   Since that time they have sought service as mercenaries and fighters for the people of south.  Never trusted, they are rarely recruited in large numbers.  But then the legendary skill of these “Black Demons” means few than normal men are required.



                Far to the southeast the land drops off into a great vast plain of salt and rock.  The violent upheaval of the Desecration and the breaking of the world dried up this sea until it became a windswept plain.    Still like a sea, it has its sail ships.  These are the large wooden vessels that travel on wheels propelled by the winds.   A few mountains rise up, former islands, they are one of the few places protected from the caustic sand that is carried by the wind.   The Shaszar Ships as they are called, journey from mountain to mountain like ships on a sea.