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The Faith of the Allemanni




            This was the majority faith throughout the Allemanni Empire.   The four deities of the Kuist harked from the four corners of the Empire, but they blended well together, eventually becoming representative aspects of the overall faith.   Among the populace the goddess Dalna was the most important, since she was the bringer of Life, Fertility, Health, and Death.   Astullus the Guide was both a messenger and trickster as well as they guide on the path of Death.  Sakor god of the Sun and Battle, he oversaw the justice of the state and the social order.  The last god was Illior of the Night, god of magic and prophecy as well as the mysteries beyond.

The Faith

 It was said that the four gods and goddess were born from the Chaos left after the Wars from the Age of Legends.  Some refer to this age as the “Shadow Time” when much of the world was lost to shadow and the gods along with the men battled for control and survival.    The end of the Shadow Time resulted in the destruction of the dark forces as well as much of the geography.   Nations fell and gods were either slain, driven mad, or weakened to the status of spirits.  Out of this arose “The Four” or the “New Gods”.  They came from the four corners of the world bringing harmony and peace to the land.    At first worship was based by geography and nationality, but as the Allemanni World coalesced into an Empire, the many versions of the four gods became unified into the Kuist Faith.


            The goals and purposes of the faith are centered on order and harmony.  The four gods represent the forces of nature and the needs of mankind.  It was up to the Priest of each sect to pursue these goals.  For this reason the Fertility and Funeral Rituals were overseen by the Dalnist, the Empire’s ceremonies by Sakor, and the mysteries for those who seek meaning by Illior.

            The Spheres of Influence of each god determines the spell list available as well as any special powers.    Three Lists are shared by all of the sects and can be considered FAITH BASE LIST, but the area and nature of their effect are unique to each sect.  They are CEREMONIES, HOLY ELEMENTS, and COMMUNAL WAYS.


            Most believers as four distinct beings saw the Kuist gods.  Only the Mystics and Scholars tried to unite them into one Godhead.  The Priest accepted both views and the gods did not seem to care on way or the other.   


            The Four New Gods came to the world to heal and sustain the survivors of the cataclysm of the Great War.    Each aspect of the godhead worked to strengthen the people and the land as well as the “good” over the evil.  Many Religious

Scholars today see the Four as a transition to the

One “True Godhead”. 


            The religion of the Four holds to the idea of life after death.  This was very different from the earlier sects before the Allemanni Empire, when reincarnation was the dominant belief.              After a person dies their spirit leaves this world and passes through the veil to the “other side” or “Death” with the god Astullus as their guide.  He not only leads them through the dangers of the veil, but also to the “Gardens of the Goddess”. These are places where the souls dwell for eternity, but depending on how one lived establishes which garden you are brought to. 

            The “Judgment” comes from none of the Four and has been said to be either some being beyond the gods or even the “Keeper” the Kuist name for the Dark One.  Those damned are sent to the Keeper, the rest are taken to a specific garden where the waters of each succor the spirits in this gray dead place.


            The Kuist gods arose from the apocalypse of the Great War and the Act of Desecration.  They also seam to see that time as returning.  For many of the Kuist cultist today, this time is now.  The Caldensians destruction of the religion is thought to have been a second


            While this belief is held by most, some of the Illoran see the real apocalypse as a greater earth-shattering event.  They recognize that the Four were only one of a series of divinities, each in a constant battle with a reflected series of Dark Divinities.   During the Allemanni Empire this was thought to be heretical, but during the Dark Ages before the Caldensian High Empire and since then as well, this is becoming more widely believed.

            Kuist recognize Fate as a force within the world, and among the new ideas among the Illoran it is a very powerful concept.  They claim that even the gods are subject to the powers of fate, that it is the great Balances.  Some even use the image of a “wave” pulsing through the world.   It rules the universe keeping the forces of light and dark, good and evil, and order and chaos in check.  No one force can rule for long over the others as Fate rises up and changes the direction of things.

(Note: this belief may be found between the Gray and Shadow Circle of former Maestros.   Their influence even in Tyrolach may have nurtured this belief.)




THE WORSHIPPED BEING:  Illior of the Night

CHARACTERISTICS OF BEING: God of the Night, Thieves, Magic, and Mystery.  The symbols of the moon and the dragon are associated with the god.   The High Priest often wore a Silver mask to represent the god’s almost featureless face.   Like the moon, the radiant light softens the features.

HOLY SYMBOLS: There are several symbols revered by the Illoran, the Dragon a symbol of magic and strength and the moon for the night.  The Moon Symbol is most common among temple inscriptions and runes.  The followers who were most interested in magic of all kinds used the Dragon.   The Accademie of Maestros in memory of their Illoran roots has now adopted it.

PRIESTHOOD:   The Illorans Priest were few.  They worked in the temples and shrines to the god, but were also found among the schools and colleges of the Allemanni.   They worked to gather lore and learning from all over the world.  But they also could offer advice from their prophecy.

REQUIREMENTS, RACES, GENDER: All were human, educated, and could be either male or female.  Though the priest were usually male. Prime Stats are both WISDOM & PRESENCE.

DUTIES:  Scholarship, Teaching, Foretelling, and Diving the Augers on important occasions.  The Holy Seasons were centered on both equinoxes, when the world was under half day and half-light.  The Full moon was also a holy time, but not a time of celebration as with the worshippers of Dalna.  There actually was little of the traditional worship associated with the Illoran’s except the “Mysteries” with occurred sometime around the equinoxes.  The priest’s main duty was the cataloging and protecting of the prophecies recorded from those most blessed with the gift. 

RIGHTS:  Like all Priest they had free travel, hospitality, and could live off alms and gifts to their local shrine or temple.

RESTRICTIONS:  There are a couple of Taboos for the Priest of the Night.  One is that they cannot marry.   Another is that they refuse to eat the flesh of any bird.  This may be some hold over from the use of bird sacrifices for augury.

SPHERES OF INFLUENCE:  Magic and Night.   Illior’s followers come from all levels of society.  From the scholarly magent to the thief in the street, they all ask for Illior’s blessing.  Of all the four, Illior seems the most neutral and mysterious.  The oracles often express fates that are ill as much as positive.  For this reason, many are suspicious about the Illioran Priest, sometimes seeing them as harbinger’s of doom as much as the “voice” of a god.




CLOSED LIST:  - Restricted.

OPEN LIST:  - Limited.

SPECIAL OR GRANTED POWERS:  Nightvision 50’, +10% Influence.

HIERARCHY:  Every temple had a High Priest and a Prophet who were above the different priest and acolytes.  The former supervised the business of the sect and oversaw the rites.  The Prophet was he either blessed or cursed with the sight and was relegated to the “Pit” where he and his staff made pronouncements.   One thing was that the Prophets would not remember their foretelling, as if the deity was communing directly with the supplicant.




CHARACTERISTICS OF BEING:  Sakor was the god of Light, Honor, War, and Home.  He was the “Protector” and his cult was strongest in the military and among the ruling class of the Allemanni. 

HOLY SYMBOLS:  A radiant sun disc was the most common symbol.  It was usually scratched over a home’s hearth to protect its occupants.  Other symbols were the Horse and the Shield.  The Shield carried the sun’s image as well.  The horse represents the vitality of the god and the faith.

PRIESTHOOD:  Sakor’s priests were well known in most cities.  They presided over most of the civic functions and rites associated with the Allemanni Empire.  Even the realm’s legions had sun symbol on their standards.    Unlike the other Priesthoods, Sakor’s followers often took up arms and were well trained in the art of war and battle magic.

REQUIREMENTS, RACES, GENDER:  Most Priest were male and all human.  The Prime statistics are WISDOM and STRENGTH.  DUTIES: Protection of the Weak, Defense of the temples and priest of all the gods as well as dispensing justice and peace throughout the world.   At Sunrise and Sunset the worshipers of

The Sun god would pray and face the burning orb.  It was said that they drew strength from the rays of the sun itself.   The Holidays around Whealing and Midsummer were the main Sakoran days.

RIGHTS:  The Priest of Sakor had the right to act as judge in any dispute.    Like all Priest they had free travel, hospitality, and could live off alms and gifts to their local shrine or temple.

RESTRICTIONS:  Sakoran Priest was restricted to working from their temples and shrines.  There were few mendicant Sakoran holy men, except within the Empire’s Legions.  

SPHERES OF INFLUENCE:  Government, the Light, and War.


SPECIAL OR GRANTED POWERS:  +20 % Influence. Extra Weapon pick per level.

HIERARCHY:  The Sakoran order was very structured, as one would imagine.   A Priest was ordained after several years in the Acolyte ranks.  Even among the Priest, different ranks divided them.  




CHARACTERISTICS OF BEING:  Dalna was the embodiment of the earth.  Her faith absorbed many of the “goddess” faiths around the Dunrach Sea, so by the end of the Allemanni Empire, it was the most wide spread and worshipped of the New Gods.  

HOLY SYMBOLS:  The tied sheaf of wheat was the universal symbol for Dalna.  Others associated the birch tree with her as well.  The animals most associated with the sect were the serpent and cow, one for Death and the other for Life.

PRIESTHOOD:  The followers of the goddess were common through out the Allemanni lands.  They were the sects closest to the people, providing the religious healers to rich and poor alike and performing the rites of the seasons to invoke the goddess.   Dalnist sects may still be found among country folk who try to follow the old ways, and they will have some type of priest or priestess.

REQUIREMENTS, RACES, GENDER:  Dalnist clerics were as often women as men.  They were usually human except the Dunden of Bridy.  In ancient Bridy the goddess “Sameth” lady of prosperity took on many of the physical characteristics of the Dalna, including stature.  The tall and gaunt Komparits were all Dalnist, and may still be today.    The Prime Statistics for Dalnist Clerics are WISDOM and CONSTITUTION.

DUTIES:   The Priest of Dalna main function as to preside over the seasonal holidays of Lithe and Lamas as the monthly festivals under the full moon.

RIGHTS:  Dalnist enjoy the right of Hospitality and free travel.

RESTRICTIONS:  Dalnist priest were forbidden to kill, even in the preservation of their own life.   They did practice a non-lethal form of self-defense and preferred cudgels and staffs to deter aggressors.  The Priest of this order also was a vegetarian as they would or even could not eat meat.  

SPHERES OF INFLUENCE:  Dalna was the goddess of the earth and all living things.  She watched over the land, its animals and people, always working to heal and balance the world.  Like the Illoran’s her faith was actually quite neutral, but the efforts to heal made it a major force for good and the light.


SPECIAL OR GRANTED POWERS:  +15% vs. all Disease and Poisons.

HIERARCHY:   There w never much hierarchy among the scattered Dalnist clergy, though each area had a High Priest/Priestess who oversaw the rites and groups of healers there.





CHARACTERISTICS OF BEING:  Astullus is very different from the other gods.    He was the patron to commerce, travel, the sea, and even death to some extent.    Of all of the four he was the most accessible to the common man.  It was said that he was once man raised to godhood.   The followers of this religion were strongest along the southern cities of the Dunrach Sea.

HOLY SYMBOLS: The wave, the dolphin, and the pilgrim’s staff.

PRIESTHOOD:   The priests of the god were from all levels of society.   Man lay fellows were also associated with the priesthood, either mendicant holy men or even the runners of the Messenger’s Guild, which were associated with the temples during this time.

REQUIREMENTS, RACES, GENDER: The priest of the god were either male or female and either Human or Dunden.  They Prime Stats are INTUITION and AGILITY.

DUTIES:  The Priesthood oversaw the temple hostels and blessed al sorts of commercial ventures.   If a trip was to be taken, all the proper offerings had to be made.   The wandering holy men offered wisdom and blessings to the populace at large. 

RIGHTS:  The priesthood had free access and accommodations.  To feed or offer drink to one was a religious duty.   To assault a priest or holy man was a crime.   The MESSENGERS GUILD shares these rights to some extent.   Guild members have the right of safe conduct.  Any realm that either blocks or does little to protect the right of passage is blacklisted by the guild and usually suffers economically.    All guild members are recognized by their “seal”, the

Taking of which is another serious crime.

RESTRICTIONS:  The priest could only accept a set fee for their blessings; those some took gracious gifts from the wealthier traders.

SPHERES OF INFLUENCE:  Commerce, Travel, and the Stranger at the Door.



SPECIAL OR GRANTED POWERS: +15% vs. weather and elements. +10 Influence.

HIERARCHY:  Only the temple priest had any organization, the wandering ones were recognized by piety and reputation.





Just as the creator is Represented by the Four, the forces of the Dark are embodied by several figures.   These are the

Gods of Darkness that arose from the ashes of the War of Legends.

GOLGOTHA the Undying, Lord of Hell.

MANLANTA the Fallen, the mad god.

SERROMAIUS the Devourer was the blind god of undeath and destruction.

TSHOGI of the Void was the caller of demons.