VOL. 2





The Dialogues

Forward: Introduction by Jontom Merillit

Book 1:  The Essential Mage by Serro Serrani

Book 2:  Your Personal Avatar by Marcus Natora

Book 3:  The Power Within by Jachim Galanter

Book 4:  Spirits in the Material World by Tor Kar'Reva

Book 5:  Antiguus Magicus by Waren Unliye

Book 6:  Angreal, Relics, and Pars Magica by Keeper Jahael Silwalan

Book 7:  Nodes, Nulls and Magic Regios by Nasra El Da'vim

Book 8:  Chaos Magic - Or White Makes Right by Kendrath Forgaer "The Rocksweeper"

Book 9:  The Grey Way- Life of Balance by Padrige the "Wanderer"

Book 10: Ordo Ordis Magica- The Accademie by Randal Parsia